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Class 11 Chemistry Notes PDF 2079 | Class 11 Chemistry Notes

This article contains Class 11 Chemistry Notes PDF 2079, Chemistry Textbook Solutions, class 11 chemistry notes Nepal, class 11 chemistry notes pdf.
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Class 11 Chemistry Notes

Class 11 Chemistry Books: All Chapters Solutions

 This article contains Class 11 Chemistry Notes PDF 2079, Chemistry Textbook Solutions. We providing you class 11 Chemistry  all chapters notes Nepal. Chemistry is the most difficult subjects in class 12. But we tried to make this easy by providing the notes of class 12 Chemistry.

Hello buddies! Now you don’t have to search for notes here and there. Because here is we provided all NEB notes that you need. With many unique features, we are providing this PDF and handwritten Notes for you.

"Note: If you want to download notes click to green color subject name"

Class 11 Chemistry Notes: Complete Chapters 

General and Physical Chemistry
1. Foundation and Fundamentals
2. Stoichiometry
3. Atomic structure
4. Classification of elements and periodic table
5. Chemical bonding and shapes of molecules
6. Oxidation and reduction
7. States of matter
8. Chemical equilibrium

Inorganic Chemistry
1. Chemistry of Non-metals
2. Chemistry of metals
3. Bio-inorganic chemistry

Organic Chemistry
1. Basic concept of organic chemistry
2. Fundamental principles
3. Hydrocarbons
4. Aromatic hydrocarbons

Applied Chemistry
1. Fundamentals of applied chemistry
2. Modern chemical manufactures

Recommended: Free PDF Books For Class 11


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Unish Oli is the owner, admin, author, editor, and manager of this website. He is a science student. Science and technology are two of his passions. He is always eager to explore and learn new technology.And also he makes people easer to learn new t…

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