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Class 11 Education and Humanity Notes | Class 11 English chapter 1 exercise Solutions

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Class 11 Education And Humanity Notes
Class 11 Education and Humanities: Complete Notes

This article contains Class 11 Education And Humanity  English Notes PDF 2079,Summary and Textbook Solutions. We providing you Class 11 Unit 1 Notes, Class 11 Unit 1 Exercise, Education and Humanity All Exercise with Grammar.

Class 11 English : Education and Humanity.

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Exercise of Education and Humanity:

Ways with words

A) Find the words from the text which mean the following.

a) a messenger or representative, especially one on a diplomatic mission

Ans: Envoy

b) the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect

Ans: Dignity

c) harm done to someone in response to harm

Ans: revenge

d) a person who holds extreme views in political or religious matters

Ans: extremist

e) sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others

Ans: compassion

f) a person who is believed to speak for God

Ans: prophet

g) the study of the nature of knowledge, reality and existence

Ans: Philosophy

h) the use of physical force so as to injure, abuse, damage or destroy

Ans: violence

i) an unreasonable dislike of a particular group of people or things

Ans: prejudice

B. Match the words on the left with their opposite meanings on the right.


honour – disgrace
innocent – guilty
brutality – kindness
forgiveness – punishment
illiteracy – literacy

C. Using dictionary

a. Study the dictionary entry above and answer these questions.

i. What is the headword in the first entry?

Ans: The headword in the first entry is Humanity.

ii. How many meanings of the word ‘humanity’ are given?

Ans: Four meanings of the word ‘humanity’ are given.

iii. What do the abbreviations U, OPP, pl, and sth stand for?

Ans: U, OPP, pl and sth stand for uncountable, opposite, plural and something respectively.

iv. What is the British English spelling of ‘humanize’?

Ans: The British English spelling of ‘humanize’ is humanise.

v. How is the word ‘humanize’ pronounced?

Ans: The word ‘humanize’ is pronounced as /ˈhjuːmənaɪz /.

vi. If we say Every person should have the sense of humanity, which meaning of ‘humanity’ is applied?

Ans: If we say Every person should have the sense of humanity, the quality of being kind to people and animals by making sure that they do not suffer more than is necessary of ‘humanity’ is applied.

b. Arrange the following words in alphabetical order.

i. advance analysis amuse assure allergy attain aid anxiety acute agreement

Ans: acute, advance, agreement, aid, allergy, amuse, analysis, anxiety, assure, attain

ii. smoke small smart speaking smelling smoothly smuggler smashed smearing smallpox

Ans: small, smallpox, smart, smashed,speaking, smearing, smelling, smoke, smoothly, smuggler,

iii. terminal terminate terminology termite terms terrace terrible terribly

Ans: terminal, terminate, terminology, terms, terrace, terrible, territory, terror


Answer the following questions.

A. Why did the speaker receive thousands of good-wishes cards and gifts from all over the world?

Ans: The speaker was shot by Taliban on the left side of her forehead and was hospitalized for her treatment and recovery. So the speaker received thousands of good wishes cards and gifts from all over the world.

B. According to the speaker, what are hundreds of human rights activists and social workers struggling for?

Ans: There are hundreds of human rights activists and social workers, who are not only speaking for human rights, but who are struggling to achieve their goals of education, peace and equality.

C. What has she learnt from Gandhi?

Ans: She learnt the value of nonviolence from Gandhi.

D. In what sense is peace necessary for education?

Ans: In many parts of the world wars and conflicts stop children to go to their schools. So, peace is necessary for education.

E. According to the speaker, what are the main problems faced by both men and women?

Ans: According to the speaker, poverty, ignorance, injustice, racism and deprivation of basic rights are the main problems faced by both men and women.

F. What is Malala calling upon all governments?

Ans: She is calling upon all governments to ensure free compulsory education for every child all over the world.

G. What is the main message of this speech?

Ans: The main message of this speech is that education is such a weapon that eradicate the problems like illiteracy, terrorism, violence and harassment of fundamentals rights of human. So, providing education to every children in this world should be the first priority of all governments.

Critical Thinking

A) All children have the right to quality education. How can we ensure this right to every child? Discuss the role of the government and the parents to make sure that every child can attend school.

Ans: All children have the right to quality education. We can ensure this right to every child by making education compulsory to all children by the government. The government and the parents should play a vital role to make sure that every child can attend school.

Parents have a lasting impact on children’s learning by creating a fruitful environment for learning. When parents give time for their children’s education, children are more engaged with their school work, stay in school longer, and achieve better learning outcomes.

Education should be administered by governmental bodies or non-profit institutions. They should take control over of education sectors to ensure education for all. Government should make education free for all children. Government should fight against terrorism, ignorance and violence to protect children from brutality and harm. It must expand the educational opportunities for girls. Government should establish stable peace  in the country to create an environment for education.

B. ’Do you think that there is still discrimination between sons and daughters in terms of providing education in our country? What strategies do you suggest to overcome such discrimination against girls?’

Ans: Education in Nepal is still in its background phase. While advancements have been made to provide free education through government schools, this education is widely considered to be insufficient in comparison to the education provided by private schools. In comparison to private schools, government schools are less funded and provide a poorer quality of education. Despite this, a large number of girls are enrolled in government schools, while their brothers receive the opportunity for quality, or at least better, education in private schools. This disparity can be traced back to a history of gender based marginalization in the Nepalese society. More significantly, girls are discriminated in terms of education because their parents think that they go to their new homes after their marriage and cannot care their parents when they get older. Finally people still believe that males are physically, mentally and politically strong so that parents send their sons to high quality schools and girls to lower one.

A number of strategies should be applied by all to afford education to the girls to bring about the prosperity of the nation. Some of them are listed below:

1. Gender biases should be ended.
2. Women should be given platforms to be in power and achieve economic success.
3. Violence and sexual assault against women should be ended.
4. The preference for the son should be removed from the people’s psychology.
5. Money given in the name of dowry should be invested in the girl’s education.

C. A Chinese philosopher Confucius said, “If your plan is for one year, plant rice; if your plan is for ten years, plant trees; if your plan is for one hundred years, educate children.” What is the meaning of this saying? Elaborate with examples.

Ans: The meaning of this saying is that if we want Progress and development of humanity then we must invest in  education of children.

Rice is a short term investment. It generates returns in a year. The tree is a longer term investment requiring ten years to mature. The well educated child influences the future forever through his or her influence on endless generations. Therefore the education of a child is a worthy and a wise investment. It takes time to educate people and turn them into productive members of our society. It is not a task like growing crops or trees where you will see the benefits in one to ten years.

Good education is the best long term investment for society. We can see that in East Asia today: their postwar investments in education are paying off tremendously as East Asia is now the fastest growing region in the world. Asian countries like Japan, China and India are growing faster and faster because of their long term vision in Education.


A) Recall your school days. Write in three paragraphs of an event that you always remember.

Ans: A school organizes many events where students can participate to explore their inner talents. These events help the students to socialize them.

I used to take part in school events during my school days. I used to take part in annual function of my school. It was organized in the month of Magh of 2066 BS. I participated in Speech competition. My topic was ‘An Importance of Girls Education’. On that day, our principal sir wished me best luck for the speech. The event began when our social teacher gave welcome speech to the all parents. At the beginning I was nervous to deliver my speech but later on I spoke fluently on my topic. I was shocked when principal sir announced my name for the first prize of speech competition. I received a medal and certificate from a board member of our school. We took group photograph for a memory. My class teacher patted my back and said that he loved my speech. I introduced my parents to my class teacher. We discussed about school events and board exams.

The event changed my life completely. Before that event I was shy and nervous boy. After that event I participated in all contests of our school events. Now, I miss my school days and evens. My school days were golden days of my life.

B. “Education empowers a person”. Elaborate this statement giving examples of your personal experience.

Ans: Education is very important in everybody’s life. It enables people to face the challenges of life efficiently. Despite this, education remains a luxury that most people consider not a necessity. January 24 is the International Day of Education. It is a day to celebrate the transformative power of education and its role in human well-being. Education is one of the most powerful tools that can help people build a better world. Education can also be used to describe various aspects of a person’s life. Education can provide a child with the independence and confidence to live a life of their choice. It also helps them develop their personality and contribute to the society. Education is the key to development. It can change the course of a person’s life and elevate the whole society. With education and learning, students will have a better understanding of the world’s right and wrongs, which will help them come up with better solutions. Education has the power to lift all. It can improve the quality of life for all.


Classify the underlined words into different word classes.

a. The man who is wearing glasses is my uncle’s friend.

who – pronoun
wearing – verb
my – determiner

b. I bought a round table in the supermarket.

round – adjective
the – determiner

c. Alas, she is dead.

Alas – interjection

d. Hari works very hard all the time but his wife is very lazy.

hard – adverb
wife – noun
very – adverb

e. I have never been to Japan.

never – adverb

f. Ann drove a car safely.

Ann – Noun
Safely – Adverb

g. Nobody has claimed it.

nobody – pronoun
it – pronoun

h. She cut her hand with a knife.

her – determiner
with – preposition

i. They have postponed the program because of rain.

have – verb
because of – preposition
rain – noun

j. Everybody comes to the party.

everybody – pronoun

k. All such people ought to be avoided.

all – determiner
such – determiner

l. All of the food has gone.

all – pronoun

m. What was that noise?

what – pronoun

n. One must not boast of one’s own success.

one – pronoun

o. Nobody was there to rescue the child.

nobody – pronoun

p. Neither of the accusations is true.

neither – pronoun

q. Neither answer is correct.

neither – determiner

r. Here is the book that you lent me.

here – adverb
that – pronoun

s. Without health there is no happiness.

without – proposition
health – noun
happiness – noun


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Class 11 English chapter 1 exercise Solutions, class 11 English book chapter 1 exercise, class 11 English unit 1 grammar, Education first chapter Class 11 Question Answer, education and humanity class 11 exercise writing, education and humanity class 11 notes, education and humanity class 11 answers.

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Unish Oli is the owner, admin, author, editor, and manager of this website. He is a science student. Science and technology are two of his passions. He is always eager to explore and learn new technology.And also he makes people easer to learn new t…

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